Administrator's Welcome
It is my pleasure to introduce you to Providence Christian Academy.  My name is James Thomasson, and I serve as pastor of Faith Baptist Church and administrator of PCA.  I hope as you view our website you will get a sense of the pride we have in our students and their successes.  We present them with a challenging curriculum and the support to be successful in it.  It is our firm intent that each student will learn what they need to become thriving citizens of their community.  Even more, we guide them to discover the truths found in Scripture and introduce them to Jesus Christ. We encourage each student to exemplify character by “charting a course of integrity, one lesson at a time.” We would be honored to have you come by and visit us in person.  We are passionate about our love of PCA and would enjoy the opportunity to meet and share it with you!
James & Lisa Thomasson
Purpose and Goal
Providence Christian Academy is a ministry of Faith Baptist Church. Our purpose is to support the family and local church. We do this by offering the opportunity for students to achieve academic success with a Biblical worldview.
Christian education is the development of the mind of Christ in each student. Luke 2:52 characterizes the development of the life of Christ. This gives us the pattern to follow in guiding our children’s Christian growth.
We are told Christ grew in four areas:
He grew
“in wisdom”

Intellectual Development
He grew
“in stature”

Physical Development
He grew
“in favor with God”
He grew
“in favor with man”

Spiritual Development

Social & Emotional
We believe these four cannot be compartmentalized but must be integrated into every area of life.
Growth in each area of development leads to the growth of the whole person.
It is our goal to strengthen each of these areas, promoting growth in all.
School Profile
Founded: The founding of the academy came as a result of increased concern about the need for a quality education program in a Christian environment. Bro. James Thomasson, pastor of Faith Baptist Church, built on this concern and founded Faith Baptist Academy in 2011. The academy originated as a cooperative to assist families in the education of their home-schooled children. As the years progressed, his burden for Christian education increased. After much prayer, Faith Baptist Academy was expanded in the fall of 2017 to include a full-week private school, and the name was then changed to Providence Christian Academy.
School Colors:
School Verse:
“...for they perceived that this work was wrought of our God.”
Nehemiah 6:16
School Motto:
“Charting a course of integrity."

Welcome to
Providence Christian Academy
We are a ministry of
Faith Baptist Church,
in Ringgold, GA.

Non-Discriminatory Policy as to Students: Providence Christian Academy admits students of any race, color, or ethnic origin to all the rights and privileges, programs, and activities of the school. In addition, the school will not discriminate on the basis of race, color, or ethnic origin in administration of its educational policies, scholarships, tuition, and educational programs or extra-curricular activities.
Non-Profit Corporation: Providence Christian Academy is operating as an independent non-profit 501(c)(3) organization.